Covid Testing Regional Labs

NHS Scotland Regional Covid Laboratories

Time was a priority in the construction of these laboratories due to the pandemic. The aim was the delivery of three functional NHS Scotland Covid Testing Regional Labs, (Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh) within the minimum timescale and budget. We chose the sites by reviewing existing building stock that was currently not being used and decided on the buildings based on their technical capacity to achieve this. New regional testing hubs will increase capacity by 22,000 tests per day. The minimum timescale and budget aim, meant only those existing areas / systems that required a physical change to meet CTR workflow and equipment requirement were carried out as far as practicable to meet current standards. The works were undertaken within live clinical environments, construction and occupied areas were kept separate at all times.
We used a myriad of collaboration tools in BIM and communication to ensure that the design was robust and coordinated with other disciplines so that the delivery of this key regional facility was free of surprise. In addition, due to the pandemic all the briefing and user engagement was undertaken via regular meetings remotely via computers/internet. We undertook live changes to the BIM model during these meetings with the end of each meeting having an approved signed off layout. Not only did this save the design team time but also the client and the users who were organising the startup of the laboratory.

Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen
NHS Scotland
Process flow mapping was crucial for the smooth operation of the facility. Samples enter the building are received and barcoded and then follow a number of defined process tests via a selection of specialist equipment prior to results being obtained. Staff are protected at all times with the use of fume cupboards and specialist equipment. The flow of the sample for each laboratory varied depending on the equipment that had been procured months earlier, we therefore had to adapt to each suite of equipment requirements per each site.