QEUH Pedestrian Walkways
Improving Connectivity
Development of 3 external canopies at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow. The main hospital, comprising a 15 storey tower on a 3 storey podium, is one of the tallest buildings in Glasgow. The main entrance is via a columned 2 storey high void space below the tower’s north-west wing. The entrance can be to subject to detrimental air movement as air hits the tower façade at speed creating substantial downdraught and excessive air vortices around the entrance door.
BMJ Architects and Principal Designers, were contacted by the NHS Board to advise on appropriate measures to provide protection to the public and staff at the entrance and at other vulnerable locations around the building. BMJ undertook extensive risk assessment of the existing installation. A variety of approaches to protecting the main entrance and an options appraisal undertaken with the NHS client. A single, level deck, horseshoe shaped canopy wrapping around the main entrance colonnade was the preferred option. The canopies were designed to match the existing hospital aesthetic and arranged so as not to constrict pedestrian movement. The canopy roofs are of built-up aluminium standing seam construction with underside clad in aluminium panels, incorporating integrated low energy LED spotlights. Two smaller canopies, designed as simple shelters, were provided for two other locations identified as vulnerable.
Glasgow, UK
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
The project also involved additional external works including additional fencing and soft landscaping, realignment of ambulance parking bays, a new pedestrian crossing and installation of bollards to mitigate fly parking on the pavement adjacent to the hospital’s discharge lounge.